Wumpus Simulator

Evaluating and teaching AI the nice way!

Example Wumpus World


Interacting with the simulator is done through two simple ROS-Topics.


Customizable field size, number of traps, number of Wumpus, and availability of arrows for agents.


Generate random fields according to given parameters.

Multi-Agent Support

Its possible to spawn several agents, in case you have competing or cooperating AIs.

Intelligent Wumpus

Be the Wumpus and hunt your agents with your own AI! A controlled wumpus can move and make the challenge for your AI even more complex.

Save and Load Worlds

You found an interesting situation for your AI to solve? Just store the situation including agent positions and challenge your AI over and over again.

Cite Us!

If you use our simulator, we would be very happy to be cited in your work! Ideally, you use the following bibtex entry:

    author={Jakob;Stefan and Opfer;Stephan and Groh;Olga and Copei;Sebastian and Lichtenberg;Kevin}, 
    title={Wumpus Simulator},
    howpublished={Available on \url{www.github.com/dasys-lab/wumpus-simulator}}, 

GitHub Documentation



  • First usable version
  • Published under the MIT License